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Moving on!

March 28, 2013

My contract has expired.. no extension whatsoever.. so, technically today’s my last day!

(Well, even though I still have to work for 3 days a week for the next two weeks to clear up the administration and transition stuffs. You know what they say, resignation is much more tiring than the first day of work)

So starting from April 15th, I will be starting to work at LGS again. It’s kinda exciting even though the place is not new to me. At the same time I feel a bit sad having to leave the REDD+ Task Force. Well, I feel acknowledged as a person, I have a great boss, a highly professional team, good friends. All in all I feel like having a second family there. But yet, they can’t afford to give me the certainty I need to build a future: a secured job. So, I have to leave.

However, I will be working (again) in a big law firm, I have a girlfriend whom I love very much, friends whom I can trust and a very broad network. I don’t think I could ask for more…

…………………..than an LL.M. degree!!

From → Craps

  1. FOOTBALL FRIEND permalink

    cung galau lagi dong cung biar update-nya makin renyah

  2. biar crunchy gitu kayak koko krunch yeh?

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