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July 17, 2012

Have you ever been in a more than 12-hours flight? If not, then you may find these tips below handy before you flattened your own asses during the flight. So, this is…


1. Mind your flight details

This first tip is also the most essential tip of all, since for sure, you don’t pay the excess charge due to your baggage overweight, or, even worse, having to miss your flight.

So, check your ticket and check your flight details like the check-in counter, the availability of online check-in (seriously, this is pretty handy if available), boarding and take-off time, and baggage limit (usually 20 kg/person). Last but not least, check if you’re not dreaming. There’s no point on arriving on time at the airport if you book your flight in your dream the night before. Seriously! Dude!

2. Put your passport, tickets, and boarding pass in the most convenient and most comfortable place

I wouldn’t say put those three substantial things in easy places. No, I wouldn’t suggest that. You can put those easily in your pocket (jeans, jackets, any pockets you prefer), but that doesn’t mean that will make you comfortable. During several occasions, you will be asked to give your passports, ticket, and boarding pass several times by not so friendly people (-immigration officers, esp. in Malaysia for godknowswhy).

So my suggestion is to put your passport, tickets, and boarding pass in any place that is most convenient, and most comfortable place for you to take-out and put them in again in the exact same place. For example, you can put them in your secret bag (yeah, I use that), or perhaps in the front part of your hand-carry.

3. Pick your seat!

There are several flights that allow you to pick your seat without any additional charges, e.g Cathay Pacific, or KLM during the online check-in. If that so, take your chance! Pick you best seat! I would suggest, however, those that are near the alley or window seats. Alley-seats is suggested for those who have uncontrollable bladder, while window seats in good for introverts but not suggested for those who are just broke-up and/or depressed, which I am sure you will understand later on.

For me, the middle is the worst. I have to bother everyone just to go to the bathroom. Even the lovely stewardess wouldn’t see your existence in that seat. And of course, there is ‘the back seat‘. Ooh, I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone, even the emos. Unless you want an extreme 60,000 feet above the ground roller-coaster ride, don’t seat in the back.

Remember one thing, though: you will be on a plane, will sit on the same seat and will sit next to same person for more than 10 hours. So, pick our seat wisely.

4. Pick comfortable outfits but not too outrageous**

I think this is what separates travelers from Indonesia and travelers from western countries. Us Indonesian, tends to wear nice outfits during long flights for whatever reason there is. But one thing to note from Indonesian traveler is the hats they’re wearing. I don’t know why, but most of the mid-aged guys always wear sport-jackets completed with Fedora hats. And do they look good with that? God, no!

On the other hand, travelers from western countries always wear (or bring) sweat pants and sweat shirts. Back then I always wondered why would they wear something unpleasant like that? However, just recently I found out that those kind of outfits are the most comfortable to wear during long flights. For one thing, they can sleep comfortably without having to worry where should they put their jackets and fedora hats.

So, in conclusion, wear something comfortable like pair of sweat pants and shirts, t-shirts, sweater, or whatever you like as long as you don’t wear something outrageous like a speedo (unless you’re a girl, of course:D)

5. Bring your battle kit

No, not that battle kit!

You must remember, long flight is very, very boring. Therefore, you must equip yourself with your own battle kit to overcome the boredom. A book, mp3 player, a game (Nintendo DS-esque not PS3), laptop, or even iPhone (switched to flight mode) or iPad. Even though they serve you with movies, TV-Series and other entertainments, but still (from my own experience) those are not enough to overcome the boredom of 14 hours flight.

6. Smile!

Seriously, be nice and smile because you’ll never know what would happen! There might be a good looking stewardess (unless you take KLM) serving you. Or you might sit next to a single-beautiful stranger. However, most of the times those are just merely wishful thoughts. But still, it wouldn’t hurt you to smile sincerely.

7. Don’t flirt with the stewardess!

Don’t! Not during the flight. Unless you’re Jude Law, don’t get ahead of yourself.

Most importantly: pray! Whatever your religion is, or perhaps you don’t have any, just pray. Anything can happen during that long flight, so I guess it wouldn’t hurt to pray for one minute.

If you managed to follow these tips I suggested above, then you are damn ready to travel! Well, at the very least, you know the basic stuffs.

Have a good flight!

(*)    valid for Economy Flight only.

(**)  may also be useful for trips taking more than 4-hours flight.

From → Craps, Lesson

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